About Me

I'm a social media and digital marketing manager located in San Diego, CA!

I am a freelance social media and digital marketing specialist for small businesses and agencies who need help managing their digital presence. I advise, strategize, design, and post KPI-driven and data-backed content several times a week for clients ranging from lawyers to plastic surgeons to real estate agents, and more!

I’ve worked with 20+ clients through freelance & previous work opportunities and an additional 30+ through my agency work. I’ve managed everything from social media marketing and advertising to WordPress website management, email marketing, collateral design, blogs, SEO, and more in a cohesive effort to increase brand awareness, leads, and sales.

First and foremost, I believe in leading with the story that started your brand. Content rooted in authenticity is always the most unique and the most compelling. It gives the world a reason to believe in and support your business!