Writing Samples

Social Media Copywriting Examples

Formation Tampa

Dec 2021 - Pres.

Digital Neighbor

July 2022 - Pres.

Chuze Fitness

Jan 2020 - Jul 2021

Chateau De Courtomer

Oct 2017- Mar 2020

A proposal of the useful application neuroscience in marketing practices.

Research Paper

This review proposes that by identifying which regions of the brain are active for positive persuasion when viewing advertisements that evoke logical understanding, positive attribution, and emotional resonance (currently understood to be the most influential) combined with identifying regions of interest (ROI) key to decision making will help advertisers better understand what makes an effective ad and how to predict future decision-making behavior of consumers.

Have Big Data and the Exploitation of Consumer Psychology Gone too Far?

Research Paper

There are basic, generalizable psychological practices that are widely influenceable and effective without requiring the need for data-driven profiles that raise such ethical concerns. As with psychological methods, there are ways of collecting data that don’t go deeper than what is willingly shared by an individual in their everyday life or that ask for user consent before recording data.

Advertisers are inside your head. Here’s how they do it and why you should care.

Scholarly Op-Ed

There is a growing debate surrounding the ethical implications of this level of data collection. On the one hand, what you do online is inherently public. There is no widely publicized statement of security or privacy, and as the adage goes: once something is online you can never get it back. But most consumers hear this and don’t understand the scale to which their information is capitalized upon. Data collection at this scale and in this detail can be highly dangerous if used to violate otherwise protected liberties.

“Hello fans of the Supernormal…! No, not the supernatural, though ~SpOokTobeR~ is upon us so I get why you’d think that. But this October, Scout kicked things off with a visit from Supernormal, an urban planning and design group that use data analysis to model, update, and create urban spaces…”

The Future Of Urban Spaces with Supernormal

Medium Article · Scout Studios

“Deloitte Studios is a company that aims to combine creative thinking, information design, business analytics, and a team of pretty cool problem solvers to help businesses tackle their toughest challenges. What this means is, essentially, companies come to Deloitte with problems that are taking away customers, revenue, or their own ability to grow, and Deloitte uses their unique system of interactive data visualization to create a solution…”

Studio Jam with Deloitte InsightStudios

Medium Article · Scout Studios

“Monotype is a company based on creating fonts for companies and businesses, as well as for anyone who wants access to their 10,000+ fonts. You’ve probably seen their work around, as they’re employed by some of the biggest brands around including Kellogg, Target, Condé Nast, and more. They work in the business of creating both fonts for customers for general use, as well as customized fonts for brands based on company logo and ~vibe~…”

Fonts, Fonts, Fonts!

Medium Article · Scout Studios

“Designers for the Millennial generation, and Millennial designers themselves, have been quick to adopt these values in how they shape designing everything, from UX to product packaging. Design has always been an integral part of the ‘how’ and ‘why’ people make the choices they do; Most people are drawn to clean, aesthetically pleasing design that matches their tastes and interests…”

Millennial Driven Design

Medium Article · Scout Studios